So Ninny has landed herself a full time job. Congratulations!! Her recent success deserved a cake, so I promised Ninny I would bake her a pink cake. I had to try out my newly purchased Love Heart Cake Pan, Pink Food Colouring and ready to roll ready icing....Someone had to be the guinea pig.
To save time, I picked up a ready made cake mix (chocolate), baked that, slapped the ready made icing on top which I had coloured with pink icing a few days ago and this is what I got. Not too bad for a first timer ey? Although the cake didn't look that smooth, most likely because I rushed it - but overall it looked pretty good for my first attempt.
Thank you Dilzy yenge. I felt special, even though I was the guinea pig! It turned out yummy, and quite pretty I must say.
Aww thanks ninni, glad you liked it.
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