- 1/2 cup yoghurt
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/2 cup oil
- salt to taste (about 1 teaspoon)
- 3 cups self raising flour (may require more)
- 1 egg + 1 egg white (keep the yolk)
- half a bunch of parsley (optional)
- feta cheese, shredded
- Mix yoghurt, milk, oil, egg white, salt and flour to form a soft dough. You may need to add more flour as you kneed the dough.
- Break small pieces of the dough to form little balls.
- Flatten the balls between your palms to form a small circle and lay flat on table, fill it with parsley and shredded cheese and roll back into a ball shape. (I made mine into crescent shapes. To make them like the picture, just place the filling mixture on one half of the circle and fold the other half over, press down the edges).
- Place pohca's on a greased oven tray making sure there is room between them.
- Brush the top of the pohca's with egg yolk and sprinkle some sesame seeds and nigella seeds.
- Cook at about 160 degrees until brown on top.
- 1/2 bardak yogurt
- 1/2 bardak sut
- 1/2 bardak sivi yag
- tuz (1 tatli kasigi gibi)
- 3 bardak mayali un (belki fazla alabilir)
- 1 yumurta + 1 yumarta beyazi (sarisi ustune surmek icin)
Ic Malzeme:
- maydanoz
- beyaz peynir
- Yogurt, sut, yag,yumurtalari, tuz ve unu yogur. Gerekirse daha fazla un ekle ve kulak memesi gibi yumusak bir hamur olsun.
- Hamurdan ufak toplar yapin.
- Ellerin arasinda bastirarak yuvarlak seklendirin. Masanin ustune koyun ve arasina ic malzemeden ekleyip ikiye katlayin.
- Yaglanmis tepsiye aralikli dizin.
- Ustlerine yumurta sarisi surun, susam ve corekotu serpin.
- 160 derece firinda ustleri kizarincaya dek pisirin.
I tried these Pohca when I was at Dilzy's place in December and they were YUM!
Dilzy, am loving the new recipes you've put on your site!
xx Pri
Thanks Pri!
I should tell you that most of the recipes on the site are really for your refernce as much as mine. Still haven't got tabouli up...but will do soon.
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